Monday, August 13, 2018


Modern communication system is based on electrical and electronic devices. So to carry on
the communication perfectly we should know their operation perfectly. To attain perfection
in that sphere we should know operation of the components incorporated inside those
devices. Thus we should observe the behaviours of the electrical and electronic components
closely. Thus the knowledge so acquired will help us to operate the said devices perfectly.
2.1 Before studying semi conductor diodes we should know something regarding
semiconductors. Semiconductors are those which behave half like conductors and half like
insulators are called the semi conductors. Semi conductors are of two types, intrinsic and
extrinsic according to their behaviours.
Now, we should observe these semiconductors more closely.
Intrinsic semi conductor behaves mostly as insulator. When temperature increases then due to
thermal energy some covalent bonds break down and electrons come out as free electrons.
Those free electrons become responsible for conduction of electricity inside intrinsic
 Having seen this property of intrinsic semiconductor some special techniques have been
applied to make the intrinsic semiconductor conductive.
 That process is known as doping. Intrinsic semiconductors when doped with doping
agents, extrinsic semiconductor evolves out. This type of semiconductor behaves like
conductor. One funny thing is that doping level is one per 10 6
 or 10 8
 nos. of semiconductor
 This extrinsic semiconductor is of two types:- (i) P type semiconductor and (ii) N type
semiconductor depending upon the properties of doping agents.
 Now, let us consider the types of doping agents, which are responsible for evolution of P
type and N type semiconductor.

Introduction of Electrical

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 SEMI CONDUCTOR DIODES AND ITS USES  INTRODUCTION Modern communication system is based on electrical and electronic devices. So to carry...